My Physical and Emotional CHANGE!!

"Nothing ever changes if nothing never changes"

Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired!!

                June 6, 2010

 I knew when I ordered would be the last one I would drink for a LONG TIME....
              (190 calories 7 grams fat 17 grams sugar)

It was Sunday and the "transformation" plan was starting tomorrow!  That's the way it always was---TOMORROW, I'll start TOMORROW---but this was different,
I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!

It really all started when I had watched by best friend loose half her body fat...she had 30 % body fat and had gone down to 12% body fat.  This by the way was something I had never weight loss I got that but,  body fat?  What's that and how the heck does someone get that measured?

She not only looked amazing, she was strong, healthy, happy, beautiful, name it she had IT and I wanted what she had!!  I became more and more interested in how she did it and what it took to get this beauty INSIDE and OUT!!

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